Lors de la Journée mondiale de la Poésie, nous vous avons partagé quelques vers en français pour célébrer la beauté de la mer 🐳
A l’occasion du Jour de la Terre, on vous offre ces vers en anglais, adaptés par Leo, notre Responsable Traduction !
Waste in motion
The breeze carries in
Atop the ocean, waste’s journey doth begin
In winter’s wake, as on a summer’s day
Discarded debris
From ocean doth not drift away
Of ash and ciggy butts bereft
Oft are swept with haste
In the ocean find their crypt
Trusting refuge for such waste
To preserve the nature and the range
Upon brave soldiers must be called
Collect the debris and the strange
By depth and breadth remain appalled
Minor labour sent to toil
A modest gesture, no great expense
Water’s virtue not to spoil
3 million litres protected hence
In vain, doth not exert
From older man to younger child
Emerald actions every day
And so, may nature remain forever wild