Summer scrubbin’, happened so fast! 🎵🎶 We decided to take advantage of the sunny weather this weekend to carry out another CleanUp operation at Berck beach. 🏖
In just one hour, we were able to collect a variety of plastic cups, endless chunks of Styrofoam and bottomless reams of fishing net. To top it all off, we managed to gather no less than… 448 cigarette butts!
With each passing year here in France, over 30 billion of these are carelessly discarded and wind up in our natural environment 🇫🇷
With that in mind, we think it’s about time we all cleaned up our act! No more waste on the beach, people! After all, a beach without rubbish is not only better for biodiversity, it’s just a nicer place to tan too! 🐳🌿🌏☀️
Check out all the photos of our outing on our Facebook page